My Best Friend

By: Dawn Colclasure


    Amy is my best friend. We do everything together, for years, going on adventures in the woods and staying up late at night to share stories. We have had so many sleepovers.

    My parents keep telling me that I spend too much time with Amy. Well, that’s their opinion. Besides, Amy is all I’ve got. I have tried making friends at school, but all the kids are mean. They tease me for being fat, call me names and steal my lunches.

    Amy has never been mean to me. She always says nice things to me and tells me I am pretty. I hope we are friends forever.

    My parents don’t like Amy. They don’t want her to be my friend. Well, they found out what happens when they try to separate me from my best friend! I didn’t even cry when I found their bodies.

    And I’m not crying now, as I sit here in my room. This straitjacket is so uncomfortable, but at least I’m not alone. Amy is with me. She is telling me how I can get out of this straitjacket. She is even able to loosen the straps!

    We have talked about what we will do to that doctor when he comes in here again. He has to be dealt with. He is trying to take Amy away from me. But no one will ever take my best friend away.

    He’s going to see what happens to the people who try.



Dawn Colclasure is a writer in Oregon. She writes poetry, essays, articles, short stories and book reviews. She is the author and co-author of several books. Her work has appeared in magazines, newspapers, websites and anthologies. She publishes the free monthly SPARREW newsletter for self-publishers, authors, readers, reviewers, editors and writers. Her websites are and She’s on Twitter @dawnwilson325 and Instagram at dawn10325.